Raymond, Lucie - Hyla - Mix Media - 8x12"
I began painting and drawing at an early age and have long been inspired by the natural forms in trees, rivers, animals and plants. My respect for the earth, how we care for it as well as its ever-present energy is reflected in my work. From watercolour, to acrylic, to colour pencil, to ink, I use whatever mix will best express my vision. After completing a local visual arts program in Ottawa, Canada, I continued my studies in graphic design at OCAD University and later in communications at the University of Ottawa. I dedicate as much time as I can to my art, time that is shared between my family, my friends, my work, my yoga practice and travelling.
2022 - Chelsea Wakefield Studio Tour, QC
2014 - Moksha Yoga Studio, Orléans, ON
2013 - Vent dans les voiles, Chelsea, QC
2009 - Émotions, Ottawa, ON
2000 - Nostalgica, Ottawa, ON